Token A Token represents a piece of data. They are typically used to show a collection of related attributes.
AlphaNot reviewed for accessibility This documentation is moving to a new home. Please update any link or bookmark that points to this page. The new content can be found
here .
The default Token
can be used for most cases, but specialized token components are provided for specific use cases (see below for more info).
All types of tokens may have the same interactive qualities as links or buttons. They also have a sense of being "selected" and ready for user interaction such as being removed from a collection.
< >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
</ Text >
< Token text = " Default Token " />
</ >
Resting Default Token
isSelected Default Token
With `leadingVisual` passed Default Token With `onRemove` passed Default Token (press backspace or delete to remove) Size options 'small' Token 'medium' Token 'large' Token (default) 'xlarge' Token
< Box
display = " flex "
sx = { {
alignItems : 'start' ,
flexDirection : 'column' ,
gap : 6 ,
} }
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
</ Text >
< Token text = " Default Token " />
</ div >
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
</ Text >
< Token text = " Default Token " isSelected />
</ div >
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
With `leadingVisual` passed
</ Text >
< Token text = " Default Token " leadingVisual = { GitBranchIcon } />
</ div >
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
With `onRemove` passed
</ Text >
< Token
text = " Default Token "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
</ div >
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
Size options
</ Text >
< Box
display = " flex "
sx = { {
alignItems : 'start' ,
gap : 2 ,
} }
< Token size = " small " text = " ' small ' Token " />
< Token size = " medium " text = " ' medium ' Token " />
< Token size = " large " text = " ' large ' Token (default) " />
< Token size = " xlarge " text = " ' xlarge ' Token " />
</ Box >
</ div >
</ Box >
A leadingVisual
should not be used with the small
size option if you're rendering an icon from Octicons
'medium' Token 'large' Token (default) 'xlarge' Token < Box
display = " flex "
sx = { {
alignItems : 'start' ,
flexDirection : 'column' ,
gap : 6 ,
} }
< Token size = " medium " text = " ' medium ' Token " leadingVisual = { GitBranchIcon } />
< Token size = " large " text = " ' large ' Token (default) " leadingVisual = { GitBranchIcon } />
< Token size = " xlarge " text = " ' xlarge ' Token " leadingVisual = { GitBranchIcon } />
</ Box >
If any token is interactive (it is a link or a button), it will become focusable, and react to being hovered or focused on.
If a token is interactive and has a remove button (appears when passing onRemove
), the remove button should not get focus. To invoke the onRemove
callback without using the cursor, press 'Backspace' when the token is focused.
These rules apply to all token components mentioned in this document.
Interactive with `onRemove` passed Link (press backspace or delete to remove) Button (press backspace or delete to remove) Focusable Span (press backspace or delete to remove) < Box
display = " flex "
sx = { {
alignItems : 'start' ,
flexDirection : 'column' ,
gap : 6 ,
} }
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
</ Text >
< Box
display = " flex "
sx = { {
alignItems : 'start' ,
gap : 2 ,
} }
< Token as = " a " href = " " text = " Link " />
< Token as = " button " onClick = { ( ) => console . log ( 'clicked' ) } text = " Button " />
< Token as = " span " tabIndex = { 0 } onFocus = { ( ) => console . log ( 'focused' ) } text = " Focusable Span " />
</ Box >
</ div >
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
Interactive with `onRemove` passed
</ Text >
< Box
display = " flex "
sx = { {
alignItems : 'start' ,
gap : 2 ,
} }
< Token
as = " a "
href = " "
text = " Link "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
< Token
as = " button "
onClick = { ( ) => console . log ( 'clicked' ) }
text = " Button "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
< Token
as = " span "
tabIndex = { 0 }
onFocus = { ( ) => console . log ( 'focused' ) }
text = " Focusable Span "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
</ Box >
</ div >
</ Box >
Tokens that represent Issue labels should use the IssueLabelToken
Resting good first issue
isSelected good first issue
With `onRemove` passed good first issue Size options 'small' Token 'medium' Token 'large' Token (default) 'xlarge' Token < Box
display = " flex "
sx = { {
alignItems : 'start' ,
flexDirection : 'column' ,
gap : 6 ,
} }
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
</ Text >
< IssueLabelToken text = " good first issue " fillColor = " #0366d6 " />
</ div >
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
</ Text >
< IssueLabelToken text = " good first issue " fillColor = " #0366d6 " isSelected />
</ div >
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
With `onRemove` passed
</ Text >
< IssueLabelToken
text = " good first issue "
fillColor = " #0366d6 "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
</ div >
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
Size options
</ Text >
< Box
display = " flex "
sx = { {
alignItems : 'start' ,
gap : 2 ,
} }
< IssueLabelToken
fillColor = " #0366d6 "
size = " small "
text = " ' small ' Token "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
< IssueLabelToken
fillColor = " #0366d6 "
size = " medium "
text = " ' medium ' Token "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
< IssueLabelToken
fillColor = " #0366d6 "
size = " large "
text = " ' large ' Token (default) "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
< IssueLabelToken
fillColor = " #0366d6 "
size = " xlarge "
text = " ' xlarge ' Token "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
</ Box >
</ div >
</ Box >
Tokens that represent GitHub users should use the AvatarToken
This component should not be used with the small
or medium
size option
With `onRemove` passed Default Token (press backspace or delete to remove) Size options 'large' Token (default) (press backspace or delete to remove) 'xlarge' Token (press backspace or delete to remove) < Box
display = " flex "
sx = { {
alignItems : 'start' ,
flexDirection : 'column' ,
gap : 6 ,
} }
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
</ Text >
< AvatarToken avatarSrc = " " text = " Default Token " />
</ div >
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
</ Text >
< AvatarToken avatarSrc = " " text = " Default Token " isSelected />
</ div >
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
With `onRemove` passed
</ Text >
< AvatarToken
avatarSrc = " "
text = " Default Token "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
</ div >
< div >
< Text fontSize = { 0 } display = " block " color = " fg.subtle " >
Size options
</ Text >
< Box
display = " flex "
sx = { {
alignItems : 'start' ,
gap : 2 ,
} }
< AvatarToken
avatarSrc = " "
size = " large "
text = " ' large ' Token (default) "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
< AvatarToken
avatarSrc = " "
size = " xlarge "
text = " ' xlarge ' Token "
onRemove = { ( ) => {
console . log ( 'remove me' )
} }
</ Box >
</ div >
</ Box >
Name Type Default Description leadingVisual React.ComponentType<React.PropsWithChildren<any>> A function that renders a component before the token text
text Required string The text label inside the token
as React.ElementType 'span' The underlying element to render — either a HTML element name or a React component.
onRemove () => void The function that gets called when a user clicks the remove button, or keys Backspace
or Delete
when focused on the token
hideRemoveButton boolean Whether the remove button should be rendered in the token
isSelected boolean Whether the token is selected
id number | string A unique identifier that can be associated with the token
size 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge' Which size the token will be rendered at
sx SystemStyleObject
Name Type Default Description fillColor string The color that corresponds to the label
text Required string The text label inside the token
as React.ElementType 'span' The underlying element to render — either a HTML element name or a React component.
onRemove () => void The function that gets called when a user clicks the remove button, or keys Backspace
or Delete
when focused on the token
hideRemoveButton boolean Whether the remove button should be rendered in the token
isSelected boolean Whether the token is selected
id number | string A unique identifier that can be associated with the token
size 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge' Which size the token will be rendered at
sx SystemStyleObject
Name Type Default Description avatarSrc string text Required string The text label inside the token
as React.ElementType 'span' The underlying element to render — either a HTML element name or a React component.
onRemove () => void The function that gets called when a user clicks the remove button, or keys Backspace
or Delete
when focused on the token
hideRemoveButton boolean Whether the remove button should be rendered in the token
isSelected boolean Whether the token is selected
id number | string A unique identifier that can be associated with the token
size 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xlarge' Which size the token will be rendered at
sx SystemStyleObject
Component props and basic example usage of the component are documented on . Component does not have any unnecessary third-party dependencies. Component can adapt to different themes. Component can adapt to different screen sizes. Component has robust unit test coverage (100% where achievable). Component has visual regression coverage of its default and interactive states. Component does not introduce any axe violations. Component has been manually reviewed by the accessibility team and any resulting issues have been addressed. Component is used in a production application. Common usage examples are documented on . Common usage examples are documented in storybook stories. Component has been reviewed by a systems designer and any resulting issues have been addressed. Component does not introduce any performance regressions. Component API has been stable with no breaking changes for at least one month. Feedback on API usability has been sought from developers using the component and any resulting issues have been addressed. Component has corresponding design guidelines documented in the interface guidelines . Component has corresponding Figma component in the Primer Web library. Tooling (such as linters, codemods, etc.) exists to prevent further use of alternatives.